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Tips For Research || Critical Reading || Critique

Written By Kanwal Jabeen on Monday, January 16, 2023 | January 16, 2023

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Where to start the search?

Boolean operators

Command And Purpose

AND: Look for articles that include all search terms/keywords

OR: Look for articles that include any of the search terms

NOT : Excludes articles that include a specific keyword


What to Pick?

  • Same Focus as yours
  • older than 3 years except for seminal papers
  • Recognized Publication

  1. Expert Author
  2. Factor Journal
  3. Indexed Journal
  4. Conference

  • Ask Experts
  • ACM

  • Good Citations

High in number

Cited by recognized publications

Reading Literature - PQRS

  1. Preview: preliminary reading (read the abstract, introduction, 1st sentence of each paragraph, and conclusion). Only read thoroughly when you are certain the information is relevant to your research area.
  2. Questions: What do you need to find out? What are the main questions and conclusions of the paper? Are there possible alternative interpretations of the literature?
  3. Reading: Be Active!" Search for answers to the questions.
  4. Summarise: Take selective notes. Use colour and space to organise (note template) 

Four tips for Critical Reading

1.  Read the paper 3 times:

  • First read the abstract, the introduction, and the conclusion and look through the references.
  • Next read through the entire paper starting with the abstract again. Don't skip over figures, re-read parts that you don't understand. Write down questions you have as you go along.
  • Finally, re-read the paper critically.
  • Did the authors do what they said they were going to do?
  • What are the important ideas? (Maybe unimportant ideas)
  • Do their results make sense?
  • Are their methods sound?
  • What assumptions are they making?
  • how does their work fit in with other similar work?
  • What improvements/extensions do they contribute?

2.  Make an outline of the paper

  • Create some organized information about the paper that will help to sort out the details
  • Highlight the major points of the paper
  • This can be as detailed as you need it to be

3.  Create a list of questions

  • bout parts that you don't understand
  • About parts where you question their solution/ proof/ methods/results
  •  List comparisons of this paper to other related work with which you are familiar

Question the readings

Questions to ask when grouping sources

    1. What are the shared themes, ideas or issues presented?
    2. Does it appear that a gap is missing?
    3. What trends/developments are evident in the literature?
    4. What theoretical approaches have you identified?

Research Paper Summary Template

  • Research Paper Title
  • Reference (IEEE/APA format)
  • IF of the Journal (if any)
  • ISI indexed (In case of Journal) - Y/N
  • The objective of the Research
  • Application Domain
  • Gaps identified
  • Methodology/Approach
  • Data Set (if any)
  • Results Summary/Discussion
  • Future Directions
  • Limitations/Assumptions (if any)
  • Why/How related to our work/objective

About Kanwal Jabeen


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