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Literature Review Taxonomy|Goal & Perspective

Written By Kanwal Jabeen on Thursday, January 12, 2023 | January 12, 2023


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Many reviews have the goal of integrating and generalizinganalyze findings across units, treatments, outcomes, and settings; resolving a debate within a field; or bridging the language used across fields. A meta-analysis, for example, is a popular review technique whose primary goal is to integrate quantitative outcomes from various studies. generalizing other reviews may aim to critically examine previous research, identify key issues, or explain a line of argument within a field. 

A dissertation review frequently has several goals. If the dissertation is merely a review, the author's primary concern may be integration, but critical analysis of the research, identification of key issues, or explanation of an argument may be required as well. If a dissertation author is using the literature review to justify additional research, the goal will be to critically analyze the literature, possibly identifying a weakness and proposing dissertation research to address that weakness. In either case, the author must include reviews to provide the reader with a complete picture. If integration were not used, the map of the research landscape would be as large as the research landscape itself.


Review authors frequently choose to reveal their own prior biases in qualitative primary research and discuss how those biases may have influenced the review. Alternatively, as is common in quantitative primary research, authors can take a neutral stance and present the review findings as fact. The review's perspective is heavily influenced by whether it is conducted in the quantitative or qualitative traditions. Because secondary research methods (i.e., review research) parallel primary research methods, it makes sense for a qualitative review author to follow the qualitative tradition and reveal biases, whereas a quantitative review author follows the quantitative tradition and claims a neutral position. The facts of the case will influence this decision. analyze

About Kanwal Jabeen


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