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Data evaluation & Data analysis and interpretation

Written By Kanwal Jabeen on Thursday, January 12, 2023 | January 12, 2023

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Data evaluation

The reviewer begins extracting and evaluating the information in the articles that met the inclusion criteria during the data evaluation stage. To begin, the reviewer creates a data extraction system from the articles. The focus and goal of the review determine the type of data extracted. For example, if the focus is on research outcomes and the goal is integration, one will extract data on research outcomes from each article and decide how to integrate those results. The reviewer should document the types of data extracted and the process used as the data is evaluated. Because detailed documentation is required, it is sometimes recorded using separate coding forms and a coding book, which is included as dissertation appendices. Alternatively, the documentation could be incorporated into the main body of the dissertation.

Whether the procedures for extracting the data are recorded in a separate coding book or included within the body of the dissertation, the level of detail should be such that a second person could arrive at more or less the same results by following the recorded procedure.

A coding book is an electronic document, such as a spreadsheet, or a physical form in which data for each article is recorded. The coding book describes the types of data that will be extracted from each article, as well as the process and actual data. If the research is primarily concerned with outcomes, for example, the coding book should include one or more variables that track the extraction of research outcomes. Of course, the literature review will necessitate the collection of additional types of data, particularly data identifying the factors that may influence research outcomes.In experimental research, for example, the reviewer's coding book will extract from each article the measurement instruments used; the independent, dependent, and mediating/moderating variables investigated; data analysis procedures; experimental control types; and other data. Naturally, the influencing factors differ depending on the topic.

Understanding the scope and organization of a coding book can be aided by reviewing previous literature reviews, meta-analyses, or coding books.

It is critical to carefully consider the types of data that will be extracted from each article and to thoroughly test the coding book. The extraction process frequently reveals additional types of data that should be extracted, necessitating a revision of the coding book and the recording of all articles. Furthermore, if interrater reliability is critical, the reviewer should alternate between pilot testing and revising the coding book until acceptable levels of interrater reliability are achieved.

Literature reviews frequently examine data on research quality, including both high-quality and low-quality studies and reporting differences between the two. If there is no difference, the data can be combined. If there is a difference, the reviewer may want to report results from high-quality articles and low-quality articles separately.

Many reviews aim to integrate or synthesize research findings. As a result, a common metric or measure must be identified into which all research findings can be translated. In a quantitative synthesis, for example, the common metric could be the proportional difference between control and treatment groups.

 Data analysis and interpretation

Finally, the reviewer attempts to make sense of the extracted data during the data analysis and interpretation stage. If integration is the goal of the literature review, the reviewer now integrates the data. A quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods synthesis will be performed depending on the type of data extracted. More information on data analysis for quantitative and qualitative literature reviews is provided later.

About Kanwal Jabeen


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