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Literature Review Taxonomy|Orgainization & Audience

Written By Kanwal Jabeen on Thursday, January 12, 2023 | January 12, 2023

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A review can be organized in a variety of ways. The historical format, the conceptual format, and the methodological format are three of the most common. The review is practiced  chronologically in the historical format. Obviously, this is preferred when the emphasis is on the evolution of research methods or theories, or on a shift over time structure in organizational results organic .organized.

A second common organized structure is based on concepts. For example, in a theoretically focused review, the review may be organized around the propositions in the research rationale or according to the various theories in the literature. Finally, as in an empirical paper, the literature review can be organorganizedorganizationalodologically (i.e., introduction, method, results, and discussion). In some cases, combining and/or combining these organizational formats may be the most effective. For example, the reviewer could start with an introduction, define the method, and present the results in a historical or conceptual format before moving on to the discussion of the organizational structure that structure is frequently used in meta-analytic reports.


Cooper's (1988) Taxonomy of Literature Reviews concludes with the audience. The primary audiences for a dissertation are the supervisor and dissertation reviewers. The secondary audience consists of scholars in the field to which the dissertation is related. Avoid writing the dissertation literature review for a non-academic, general audience. What makes a good book is probably not what makes a good dissertation, and vice versa. organized


About Kanwal Jabeen


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